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Publications &
Original Work 


A. Roy, A. Kesselman,

"A Novel Approach To Topological Graph Theory with R-K Diagrams & Gravitational Wave Analysis"

Graph Theory and Topological Data Analytics (TDA), while powerful, have many drawbacks related to their sensitivity and consistency with TDA & Graph Network Analytics. In this paper we demonstrate a novel approach for overcoming drawbacks of consistent frameworks for Graph and Topological Analysis by encoding vectorized associations between data points for the purpose of enabling smooth transitions between Graph and TDA. We conclusively reveal effective ways of converting such vectorized associations to simplicial complexes representing micro-states in a Phase-Space, resulting in filter specific, Homotopic, Event-Driven Topological Signatures which have been referred as “Roy-Kesselman (R-K) Diagrams” with Persistent Homology. They arise out of filter-based encodings of “(R-K) Models”

We have also built a computational framework called the “R-K Pipeline” which can be applied for different analytical purposes via the “R-K Toolkit” available on Github. This would enable filter-based ML Driven models for unique topological signature identification and classification problems. The validity and impact of this approach were tested specifically on high-dimensional (parameter specific) raw and derived measures from the latest LIGO datasets published by the GW Open Science Center along with a generalized approach for a non-scientific use-case, which was tested and demonstrated using the Tableau Superstore Sales Dataset.

The application of this above novel technique of Topological-Graph Analytics with Roy-Kesselman (R-K) diagrams can be used for the efficient and automated classification of Binary Merger Signals from LIGO data and other Multi-messenger data streams for event-based classification of compact-binary mergers, aiding the search for Primordial Black Hole Dark Matter and enabling template-based classification of binary BH-BH, BH-NS, NS-NS mergers. This work focuses on noise-filtering, using topological techniques such as isometric (Loss-less) compression (of high-dimensional data), for efficient encoding of intrinsic physical parameters of compact binary-mergers. It also enables effective ways to automate the segregation and classification of such GW signals using R-K Models. This pipeline and methodology could be scaled to obtain all significant parameters for more confident compact binary merger classifications over the years, using Multi-Messenger Data-streams.


Animikh Roy, "Primordial Black Holes as Candidate Dark Matter & Their Detection using Gravitational Wave Analysis" - University of Sussex, UK

Advisor : Dr. C. Byrnes

Grade : 87% (Highest Distinction) 


Research Experience  

Primordial Black Holes, Dark Matter & Gravitational Waves  (2021)

University of Sussex, UK


Researched extensively on identifying and classifying Primordial Black Holes as Candidate Dark Matter based on  a detailed study of Mass, Spin, Geometry & studying their corresponding  signatures using LIGO data analysis. This research was carried under the guidance and supervision of Prof. Christian Byrnes (Royal Society Research Fellow, Cambridge, UK)     






Quantum Mechanics, Advanced Cosmology, Computer Science & Neuroscience (2015)

Mani Bhaumik Fellowship, NIAS, IISc, Bangalore, India



Secured Highest Grade (A+) with 100 Percentile marks across credited research modules on advanced Cosmology, Quantum Mechanics, Deep Learning & Neural Networks, & Cognitive Neuroscience with a special project and presentation on "The Quantum Measurement Problem", under Prof. Sisir Roy


Presented a conference review-paper on “The Role of Consciousness in the Quantum Measurement Problem” at the International Conference on Consciousness at the NIAS, IISc. Featured as  a part of the paper presentations in the International Conference on Consciousness, in the journal - Nature India (January 2016)

Logarithmic responses in the Lateral Amygdala (Fear & Pain) Hippocampus & Spatial Memory with Long Term Potentiation (2015)

National Center for Biological Sciences, TIFR, Bangalore


Worked on an experimental research internship under the tutelage of Professor Sumantra Chattarji (Professor, NCBS, TIFR, Director, Center for Brain Development and Repair The Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine (inStem)). This research paper involved an experimental study and mathematical modelling to find specific patterns in the qualitative regions of the brain and its impact on behavior. The work focused on studying logarithmic patterns in the lateral amygdala and its association to fear induced behavior and PTSD (studied experimentally on rats)

V1 Section of the Visual Cortex, Hippocampus & Prefrontal Cortex (2015)
National Institute of Advanced Studies, IISc, Bangalore

A review paper on “Visual Perception & Its Contextual Interpretation by the Human Brian”  focusing on the V1 section of the visual cortex, the hippocampus and the prefrontal cortex of the human brain. This paper was submitted internally at NIAS, Bangalore, under Prof. Venkat Raydu. 

The Physics of Black Holes (2014)
Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Kolkata

Worked on a thesis and review paper on "The Physics of Black Holes" under Prof. Soumitra Sengupta (Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri Chair Professor and Dean of Academics, IACS) after completing an 18-month student research internship. The thesis involved the Physics of : Schwarzschild Black Holes,, charged Reissner Nordstrom Black Holes, rotating Kerr Newman Black Holes along with their corresponding Penrose Diagrams & Phenomenological implications, leading up to the Penrose Process of Energy Extraction. 

Kruskal Extension with Penrose Diagrams & Particle Orbits in Schwarzschild Geometry (2013)
Center for High Energy Physics, IISc, Bangalore

Winter internship from December 2013 to  January 2014 at IISc, on the Kruskal Extension of blackholes with Penrose diagrams and computer simulation of particle orbits and innermost stable circular orbits in Schwarzschild Geometry, under Prof. Aninda Sinha (Professor Center for High Energy Physics, IISc, Bangalore)

Conferences & Internships 

2018 - Summer Conference
" Neutron Star Mergers & Multi Messenger Astronomy"

GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research Darmstadt, Germany  

2017 - Summer School Lectures (Audited)
" Laser Interferometry & Gravitational Wave Astronomy"
Max Planck Institute of Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute), Germany

2017 - Summer School (Attended)
"Gravitational Wave Astronomy"
International Center for Theoretical Sciences, Bangalore, India

2015 - Summer Internship
"Analyzing Logarithmic Responses in the Lateral Amygdala for Neuronal Correlates of Fear & Pain"
National Center for Biological Sciences, TIFR, Bangalore, India

2014 - Winter Internship
"Kruskal Extension of the Schwarzschild Metric with Penrose Diagrams and Innermost Stable Circular Orbits in Schwarzschild Geometry"
Center for High Energy Physics, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India

2013-2014 - 1 Year Research Internship
"Physics of Black Holes: Schwarzschild, Charged Resiner- Nordstrom & Rotating Kerr-Newman Black Holes "
Department of Theoretical Physics, Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Kolkata, India.

2011 - Summer Internship
"Big-Bang & The Early Universe "
Bose Institute, Center for Astro-Particle Physics, Kolkata, India

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